We’ve all had those days where by 5 pm we’re ready to kick our feet up and relax. It’s time to unwind with friends or solo with our Netflix list. What if we added CBD kombucha to our evening routine?

It’s not uncommon for people to unwind with a glass of wine after work, but as we mentioned in our Socialising with CBD blog, cannabis-infused drinks are on the rise. CBD drinks are especially gaining popularity for their health benefits over their THC alternative.

The benefits of CBD are much more appealing than a potential wine hangover. Our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) interacts beautifully with cannabinoid receptors, regulating our nervous system. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning its sole purpose is to help calm the mind. Whereas alcohol is a depressant and can worsen one’s mental health if they’re already feeling down, CBD is known to help reduce negative emotions. We can thank CBD’s relationship with the hypothalamus for that. In case you were wondering, the hypothalamus is responsible for managing the nervous system and hormones.

An important thing to note is the difference between THC and CBD products. Whereas THC products are known for their high and come with psychoactive effects that may have other positive attributes, CBD-only products tend to focus solely on calming and soothing. Understanding dosing and what our body needs is crucial when choosing an evening drink.


Always remember that cannabis consumption differs from person to person. Be mindful of your dosing and consult your doctor if you’re uncertain whether CBD is right for you.



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Abraham, A.D., et al., Orally consumed cannabinoids provide long-lasting relief of allodynia in a mouse model of chronic neuropathic pain. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020. 45(7): p. 1105-1114.

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